Thursday, January 3, 2008

1/3/08 "Old Beginnings"

There are few guarantees in life...take advantage of your time.

Being a new year, many of us make resolutions to change. Some of us want to change the way we act, think, look, etc. Some of us will make those changes, some will put forth a galant effort, and others of us will forget about our resolutions by the end of the first week. But why do we wait until the new year turns to make changes in our lives? We all should make the best of the time now to bring about positive change in our life. A few people never made it around to the new year to start changing. So let us take everyday to change if need be. Whatever your motivation is to bring about old beginnings, use it to positively enhance your quality of life. A new year is never a new start, you can only build upon your situation from last year to make small or major improvements, depending on how much work you put into your resolutions. I have a few old beginnings I'd like to clear up myself.

Life Lesson: Let the 2007 problems you had go...

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