Wednesday, December 26, 2007

12/26/07 "Less Fortunate"

Be reminded someone, somewhere would like to have that Christmas gift you want to "re-gift."

Everyone has been a slight bit selfish this Christmas, but we have to remember the less fortunate during the holidays. Less fortunate can mean anything...loss of a loved one, sick, shut-in, without home, food, clothes, etc. We must keep those people in mind when being a slight bit apprehensive about our gifts. Take time to give, and give willingly without expecting anything relieves the spirit. Someone, somewhere, is missing Christmas. Give some of yours to them.

Life Lesson: Give love.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

12/19/07 "Bad Situations"

If the waves are too rough, get out the ocean!

Throughout my endeavors, I have seen facebook and myspace create life stories for people I don't even know. But I often see people putting a LOT of their business out there...not exactly cool. For the most part though, a lot of people put what kind of "situation" they are going through, whether it be by doing surveys, or their "status." So here is a take on all of it...stop. You feel you need attention if your broadcast why you 'love your man but he doesn't love you', and how it's making you feel so bad on the inside. For one, you need to learn to leave those that don't put out what you put in. Stop wallowing in all this depression about it, get your butt up and leave!!! Any bad situtation, if you know and realize it is a bad one, please leave. If you stay in it, it's your fault, and your fault only!!! Stop crying and dedicating songs to those that could care less. Stop letting these bad situations ruin your life. Let it go.

Life Lesson: Take time to analyze, then decide what is best for YOU.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12/4/07 "Never More Than You Can Bear"

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...I understand it now...

We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize it is preparing us for whatever is up ahead that we can not comprehend or see. Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, there will always be sunshine after the rain. Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall; but your calls are always answered. Every heartache, every tear, every transgression, you soon learn that given time, it suddenly vanishes come dawn's early light. Continue carrying your cross.

Life Lesson: We all are like Lipton tea never know how strong you are until you are in hot water.

Monday, November 19, 2007

11/19/07 "Thankful"

Everyday, all day, be thankful.

Some people like to 'give thanks' during the November month of Thanksgiving. We should all remember to be thankful each day we wake up with a reasonable portion of health and strength. Live each day that you have to the utmost, and live your life while appreciating and being thankful for others in your life. Never take your life for granted...that even goes for others' lives as well. If we value one another, giving thanks will be easier with each passing day. It takes time to really appreciate all in your life. Take some time to reflect...but not while eating sweet potato pie. Save time for reflection, to give all the appreciation you and others deserve...everyday.

Life Lesson: All of your days are meant to be seized.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

11/6/07 "Hard Work"

Hard work begets hard work....

That's one of the worst sayings ever. Even when you work hard, there is someone who doesn't work as hard, a supervisor that doesn't support your work, or employees that shut you out. But this is what you smarter. Just when you think the world is against you and your back is against the wall, that is when things turn in your favor the most. When you work hard, you leave yourself open for someone to say that you aren't doing enough. When you work smarter, there is less room for others to make light of what you are trying to accomplish. So even if you don't get a vacation from the work world...make your own vacation in doing what you do best.

I'm focused, regardless...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/30/07 "Long Story Short"

Respect is both earned, and given.

We all must realize that life, love, and friendship is a two-way street. What you ask of one person, you can not expect to reciprocate if asked. It is important to know how you expect to be treated, you must be willing to give it back, without no regret. Many of us take advantage of others' feelings, and neglect to listen to the ones we love the most. If we take time to listen, and not overpower, many decisions and arguments can be avoided. We should also recognize if the shoe was on the other foot, would we want to be treated the same? Most of the time, the answer is no. So learn to listen, respect, and communicate correctly.

Life Lesson: You can not begin to listen by talking first. You learn more with a closed mouth and open ears.

(LaVon Francine Dawson - I am excited...more than you know. I wish they all could read this now.)

Monday, October 29, 2007

10/29/07 "Redemption"

Hate only consumes the one it possesses...

Can we all really forgive? Or do we say so just to ease the spirit? Friends, lovers, family members, and other associates may downright use you and take advantage of your kindness; it is only right that they be forgiven. This may often not be done very soon though...time heals all wounds. Plus who knows, it may take more time, and in some cases, it is still taking time. We all have asked for forgiveness, but it is harder when the forgiver thinks the wrongdoer is not sincere or otherwise. When we hate, it only consumes one...because most people do not know you hate them, and the other ones do not care. So let us release the hate in our heart, and learn to forgive and move one said these two parts would be easy. Remember, from earlier, once you forgive, you have done your part. Leave the rest up to fate.

Life Lesson: If and when you lose, never lose the lesson. You will know how to react faster the next time the situation arises.

(LCFDDJ- I'm glad you forgave me, so that I have forgiven others.)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/28/07 "Archives"

What is done in the dark will come to light...

Lying is never good. It hurts the ones around you, and it often comes back to hurt yourself. Why do we feel the need to lie? To cover our own tracks? Is it an excuse of not wanting to hurt the person? The reality is, it always comes back...tenfold. In one way or another, it bites you bad in the end. What you thought you have gained by lying, you lose. What secrets you thought were covered, are often revealed. People have lost the respect of giving honesty a chance. We can not continue to decide how another person will react by our honesty. Pay a small price in the present, or a bigger price in the future. No one is excluded, we all have done it. That does not ever make it right.

Life Lesson: The truth, whether you are receiving it or delivering it, will set you free.

(HDT - Free yourself. Make a change to be owe it to all involved.)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

10/26/07 Picking Up The Pieces

If it's broken...let time fix it.

Throughout the time we are here on Earth, many obstacles will be thrown in our way. Knowing how to rebound from those "disasters" is perfect for character development. A person willing to dust off, push aside the strife and see the sunshine after the rain accomplishes a feat that many others succumb to. If you are going "through", you are going "to." Don't let financial problems, school problems, man/woman problems, and job problems bring you down to the point where in which you can not function or see the new light of opportunity ahead of you. Believe that what you lost in the fire, will be restored much better and bigger than you could have ever imagined.

Life Lesson: "Never Let Em See You Sweat."- - Charlene W. Bowman

(JA- It's your chance to meet the opportunity. Stay strong.)

Friday, October 26, 2007

10/26/07 Class is in Session

Life is what you make it. Unfortunately, there are people who make it twist and turn, some for the better, some for the worst.

People tend to attract attention to themselves, for the reason of making themselves the brunt of controversy, the epitome of 'status' or just to boost their own self-esteem. When you shout out to the world about something, you should expect the return fire. So don't be upset when all the comments you get aren't positive. People...stop putting yourself out there. If you are strong enough to let everyone know your business, be strong enough to take the criticism...both the positive and negative.

Life lesson for the day: It's all right to let someone be good to you...stop pushing the good people out of your life, and leaving the bad ones in. You know the difference, you can feel it.

(LFD...stop pushing. Someone special is here for you.)